The company organizes emergency rescue drills in confined space
Source: | Author:/ | Published time: 2022-11-18 | 713 Views | Share:
In order to further improve employees' ability to deal with emergencies in confined space efficiently and orderly, and ensure employees' operation safety in confined space, weitong Company organized an emergency rescue drill in confined space on the afternoon of November 16.

In order to further improve employees' ability to deal with emergencies in confined space efficiently and orderly, and ensure employees' operation safety in confined space, weitong Company organized an emergency rescue drill in confined space on the afternoon of November 16.

Before the drill began, the safety and Environment Department of the company explained the correct use of the positive pressure breathing apparatus to everyone, and invited the participants to demonstrate, emphasizing the points for attention in each link.

After the drill began, the on-site monitoring staff of the sewage treatment station found that some employees cleaned the distillation reactor without approval, and subsequently poisoned (asphyxiated) the situation, and immediately reported the situation to the safety and Environment Department of the company. In view of the emergency situation, the company quickly launched an emergency plan. The company's emergency rescue team personnel rushed to the scene at the first time, orderly rescue activities, through mutual cooperation, in the shortest time to rescue the injured, and quickly to the injured for treatment, the danger will be eliminated in time.

After the drill, the leaders of the company made on-site comments on the emergency drill in restricted space, which fully affirmed the maneuverability and effectiveness of the drill as well as the coordination of all departments, thus achieving the purpose of training and improving the emergency response ability.

Through this drill, the safety awareness of employees is enhanced, the foundation of safety management is further consolidated, the disposal ability of employees in emergencies is improved, and the emergency rescue work can be carried out quickly, orderly and effectively after the accident occurs, so as to reduce the losses caused by the accident and achieve the purpose of reducing risks and preventing accidents.