Focus and gather strength, accumulate small achievements -- Weitong Company to carry out team building activities
Source: | Author:/ | Published time: 2022-06-01 | 540 Views | Share:
In order to enrich the cultural life of employees, increase the opportunities for employees to get close to nature, relax in the busy work, return to nature, enjoy body and mind, and improve the happiness of employees, on May 18th, the labor union of the company organized all the employees to go to Shuangtong Mountain in Songyang County to carry out the mountaineering activity of "gathering heart and gathering strength, accumulating small achievements".

Coagulate the heart and gather the force

In order to enrich the cultural life of employees, increase the opportunities for employees to get close to nature, relax in the busy work, return to nature, enjoy body and mind, and improve the happiness of employees, on May 18th, the labor union of the company organized all the employees to go to Shuangtong Mountain in Songyang County to carry out the mountaineering activity of "gathering heart and gathering strength, accumulating small achievements". To achieve the goal of strengthening synergy, strengthening health and working together to fight the epidemic.

On the day of the activity, the air was crisp, and the employees laughed and talked all the way. They grouped into different teams to climb the mountain and enjoy the fresh mountain air. Under the green trees, the mountain road is lined with raspberries and some unknown wild flowers, which is pleasant to the eye and forget the fatigue. They chatted and took photos while enjoying the beautiful scenery. Walking on the scenic glass plank road, the bold head and chest, timid steps, we encourage each other, support each other, have walked through the plank road. During the climbing process, everyone gave full play to the team spirit, demonstrated the positive, brave, united and cooperative style, and carried forward the core values of "integrity, innovation and collaborative endeavor".

Through this group building activity, the staff can relax their body and mind after the intense work, promote the communication, enhance the feelings, gather the centripetal force, and enhance the spirit of striving. We have said that will be more full of spirit into their own work, micro company management and development contribution.