Chen Wenbo, vice general manager of the Group company, went to Weitong Company to carry out the spirit of the 15th Party Congress of Zhejiang Province and sent cool condolences to the frontline workers
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According to the unified deployment of the group company, on July 20, Vice General Manager of the Group Chen Wenbo and his delegation made a special trip to Weitong Company to preach the spirit of the 15th Zhejiang Provincial Party Congress and carry out the activity of "sending cool in Summer".

According to the unified deployment of the group company, on July 20, Vice General Manager of the Group Chen Wenbo and his delegation made a special trip to Weitong Company to preach the spirit of the 15th Zhejiang Provincial Party Congress and carry out the activity of "sending cool in Summer".

Chen Wenbo and his delegation first visited the staff fighting in the front line, sent them high temperature condolences, told the staff, the recent hot weather, everyone should not forget their own safety when working, do a good job in summer heat prevention work, expressed heartfelt thanks to the hard work of all the staff.

Chen Wenbo listened to Weitong Company in the first half of the year production and management, science and technology innovation board listing and other related work report, give full affirmation. Chen Wenbo pointed out that Weitong company as a scientific research enterprise, to play its own characteristics. Always put scientific and technological innovation in the overall position of enterprise development, to provide strong strategic support for high-quality development of the company.

Chen Wenbo asked the company to work hard on the construction of the system management system, not to copy, on the basis of the original system recast, process reengineering, in line with the future development direction of the enterprise. In the market expansion, to both sides of the source, the economic benefit as an important support for enterprise development. In technological innovation, we should have the courage to compete with each other, and we should continue to make innovations in science and technology. In the team management to strict management and love, ideological education work in place, especially in the safety management education work is not missing, stable personnel team, is the basic development of the enterprise. In the construction of the relationship with the territorial government, we should strengthen the communication and contact, and create a harmonious external environment for the development of enterprises.

Then Chen Wenbo around the great significance of the conference, As well as a series of important Outlines and plans proposed in the report of the Party Congress: "Five strategic Guidelines, 11 important aspects to follow", "Historic Achievements in nine Aspects, Regular understanding in eight Aspects", "Two first" goals and "Eight Heights", "five work directions", "10 major tasks", and "Strengthening the overall leadership of the Party and comprehensively governing the Party Strictly". It deeply interprets the rich connotation and spiritual essence of the provincial Party Congress.

Chen Wenbo stressed that in the high-quality development of the group, we will strive to promote the common prosperity of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the modernization of the province. We will welcome the victory of the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent business performance, and make new and greater contributions to the realization of the second centennial goal and the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.