Weitong Company extensively and deeply carried out the spiritual study and implementation activities of the 15th Provincial Party Congress
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In recent days, Weitong company Party branch in accordance with the welding material company Party committee work requirements, through the leadership propaganda, thematic party lessons, class before ten minutes and other forms, widely carried out the study and implementation of the fifteenth Party Congress of Zhejiang Province spirit.

In recent days, Weitong company Party branch in accordance with the welding material company Party committee work requirements, through the leadership propaganda, thematic party lessons, class before ten minutes and other forms, widely carried out the study and implementation of the fifteenth Party Congress of Zhejiang Province spirit. In the afternoon of July 27, metallurgy Institute deputy general Luo Renzhi to the company to preach, July 28 Party branch secretary Zhan Shengfeng for the party members on the subject, the company team members, union responsible person combined with safety work, actively carry out propaganda, educate employees to keep a good red root, enhance staff political awareness. In view of the continuous high temperature weather, strengthen the safety inspection of the production site, remind employees of matters to pay attention to, do a good job in the line of heat prevention and cooling, to ensure the stable and smooth production in the high temperature season.