Common causes of catalyst deactivation
Source: | Author:weitongch | Published time: 2019-08-19 | 744 Views | Share:
The catalyst will lose its activity sharply or slowly due to various factors during its use. The cause of catalyst deactivation is complex. It can be summarized into the following categories
The catalyst will lose its activity sharply or slowly due to various factors during its use. The cause of catalyst deactivation is complex. It can be summarized into the following categories:

1. Permanent inactivation
The active component of the catalyst is inactivated by the action of certain foreign components (poisoning), often permanently inactivated. Most of these foreign components are chemical reactions or ion exchanges with the active components of the catalyst, resulting in changes in the active components. For example, acid catalyst is neutralized by alkali, precious metal catalyst is poisoned by sulfide or nitride. The deactivation of catalyst poisoning often manifests as a rapid decrease in activity. The loss of active components caused by wear or sublimation during use also leads to permanent inactivation, which is often difficult to recover simply.

2. The active component is covered and gradually inactivated, which is a non-permanent inactivation. For example, the carbon deposits generated during the reaction cover the active components or block the pores of the catalyst, so that the reactants cannot contact the active components. These coverings can be removed by a certain method, such as being deactivated by carbon deposition can be reactivated by carbon regeneration.

3. Incorrect operation leads to catalyst deactivation, such as excessive reaction temperature and severe pressure fluctuations leading to chaos or crushing of the catalyst bed. Such deactivation cannot be recovered.