Chlorobis(ethylene)rhodium(I) dimer
    Publish time 2022-08-01 13:33    
Chemical Name Chlorobis(ethylene)rhodium(I) dimer
CAS No. 12081-16-2
Synonyms Di-μ-chlorotetraethylenedirhodium(I); Dichlorotetrakis(ethene)dirhodium(I)
Product No. Rh10
Chemical Formula
Formula Structure
Molecular Weight 388.93
Precious Metal Content 52.9%
Colour & Form Red-brown powder.
Storage Requirements Store in a cool, dry place in a tightly sealed container under ethylene atmosphere. Recommended storage temperature: -20°C.
Water Solubility Insoluble
Solubility Slight soluble in acetone, chloroform, methanol.
Melting Point  
Sensitivity Air and heat sensitive. Store refrigerated.
Application Carbonylation, hydroformylation. Precursor to Rh (I)  norbornadiene catalyst used in an asymmetric 1,4-addition of arylboronic acids to cyclic enones.